How To Build A Fear LESS Feedback Culture Part 1

PART 1 “Fear LESS, Hear More.”

If you had something in your teeth, would you want to know about it? 

Maybe something (hard to hear) is holding you back from getting to the next level in your career—a specific reason you are not being promoted—would you want to know why? 

For most of us, the answer would be—OF COURSE!!!

This is my year to go all in btw. Anyone else rockin’ Invisalign?

But what if the last ten times you had lettuce lodged in your adult braces, it was brought to you in a hurtful, unnecessarily public, or shame-inducing way? 

I’m guessing the answer would be more like: 

“It depends… Who’s giving me the feedback? Do I know them? Do they care about me? Are they telling me in private or making a scene? Are they judging me for having braces as an adult?

There is no in-between.

In my experience, organizations either give hurtful, overly direct feedback or dance around the issues for days. They give way too much feedback, nitpicking their people to death or none at all. 

No feedback is ONLY better than bad feedback, but here’s the problem: 

We all need feedback!

A thriving feedback culture is often what separates good from great organizations and is one of the most overt indicators of health. 

So how do we create a culture that wants to hear it, doesn’t fear it, and does it in a way that honors the people involved?

It starts with getting 3 things in place.

Continue reading “How To Build A Fear LESS Feedback Culture Part 1”