GET UNTOXIC! Soak Your Splinters Out And Change Your Culture Now

imprisoned by toxicity

Your culture is at risk.

It’s amazing what happens when you get a splinter. It’s barely noticeable to the human eye, and yet it becomes the only thing that matters in your life the moment it enters your body.

Everything is on hold until you get that little wooden sword out.

Some people in your ranks are splinters. They are disruptive on purpose and intend to cause division in your culture. Their behavior is toxic. Unthinkable, I know.  

Too many leaders wait it out and hope it works itself out. Don’t wait!

Looking the other way is how a culture turns toxic. 

This two-part blog will either help you reverse the tide of toxicity or help you build immunity.  

After all, you’ve come this far, don’t let a couple “bozos” ruin it for everybody.

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