How To Beat Quiet Quitting In Your Culture Part 2

climber with direction

The Vision Factor

Leading anything today is daunting. It doesn’t matter how long your track record was or how well it worked—we ALL face the same new challenge:

Engaging people in a way that makes them WANT TO STAY in a world where quitting is now cool.

So why is this so difficult?

Back to usual…

clocking out.

For starters, the world drastically changed overnight—along with all the rules—and none of us remained unscathed.

Is there a leader left on the planet who hasn’t fantasized about stocking shelves in the last three years?

I imagined myself clocking out at a factory (like the one in Tommy Boy, of course), shoving a paper timecard into one of those old-school machines, but instead of dinging, it would say: “Well done, good and faithful servant. Your shift is over. You are free to go bowling or do whatever you see fit with your uninterrupted and ‘fireless’ evening. See ya tomorrow.”

…is coming back to bite us.

Fast forward, and the trauma we endured is beginning to rear its head—sideways. Don’t believe me? Ask your five closest friends or co-workers how they’re doing. Exactly. This is a “global WE,” not just a “you and me” problem.

And yet, there’s no better time to build a culture that pulls people in.

So how do we do that?

Welcome to Part 2 of “How To Beat Quiet Quitting In Your Culture.”

where are you on this pyramid?

Part 1 “claimed” the world’s most inspiring cultures share two common factors: CHALLENGE AND VISION. If you missed it, I’m afraid you might get lost in a mountain of metaphors, so—you know what to do…

Click to catch up. I’ll time you. GO! (my seven-year-old is sprinting…)

Alright, now that we are ready to climb and understand the importance ‘challenge’ plays in creating great culture, it’s time to unleash factor #2 and make our way to the summit.

This blog will show you how to create a vision for your team, department, or division that propels the overall mission—a vision that will guide your culture “beyond healthy,” past apathy all the way to the summit.

Are you ready?

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