Beat Burnout AND Supersize Your Influence With One Simple Mindset

Leaders Are Languishing

Think about your last few 1:1’s or heart-to-hearts with other leaders. How are they doing? How are you doing?

Crash and burnout

I’ve vacillated between the edge-of-glory and the brink-of-burnout for almost 18 years at a large church. Pretty standard stuff.

It’s been a steady ride of learning, listening (sometimes squirming), and occasionally watching someone crash. That is until a few years ago when the whole world changed.

Feelings of burnout are as common today as pensions were back in the day. There is a distinctly different despair in the air.

Can you feel it?

None of us are immune; we ALL need tools.

This blog will give you 6 mind shifts that helped me through seasons of insanity.

You heard me—six, one better than five! (spinal tap fans?)

More importantly, these same shifts supersized my influence! I just didn’t know it till later. I want that for you. As always, I’m writing to myself too… Let’s go!

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