
My name is Dave.

“You only have today, and possibly tomorrow.”

“It’s finally sinking in that I don’t have unlimited time to pursue the passions that are buried deep in my soul. The things that were hardwired into me—by my creator—that I am solely responsible for digging out and living out.” 

This blog is an attempt to start digging.

A few random things about me –since you clicked.

• I’m a musician, dad, aspiring writer, husband and friend. (Not in that order.)

• Pretty much every day I order a ‘venti unsweetened iced coffee with just a little bit of cream so it’s a light brown color’ from Starbucks -because I’m a maniac. 

We call that camelback.🐪

Perfect color!

• I often find myself buying hooks at places like Home Depot and Menards. At one point my wife asked, “Would you love me more if I had hooks for hands?”

Answer? I’m intrigued.

Ok, now for the rest of the story…


Growing up in New York taught me two things: How to speak my mind and what makes a great slice. (If you don’t know what a slice is then you definitely don’t know good pizza.)

I had four brothers who were my archenemies in childhood and my best friends in adulthood. Thanks to our supermom, we were all towheads in a sea of Italian stallions who all looked like Mario and Luigi. I’m pretty sure I was the only kid in elementary school who couldn’t grow a mustache… (still can’t without excuses.)

My dad was an English teacher, musician, and high school hockey coach. (triple threat!) He was a local legend my friends all called ‘Big Ken.’  

Following in his footsteps with the dream of becoming a copywriter, I moved to Minnesota to play hockey at Bethel University. Unfortunately, my on-ice career was cut short when the coach asked me to cut off my giant ponytail. Not cool! I’ve been a musician ever since.

Instead of hacking the locks and writing commercials, I hit the road as a guitar player for ‘Grammy Award Winning Artist’ Rebecca St. James.

After a couple years of playing guitar, producing music, and getting to travel the world, I moved from Nashville back to Minnesota to take a job as a Jr. High Worship Leader at a church. It was time to drop anchor. I set my sights on staying in one place, settling down, and starting a family. I never set out to be a leader.

Almost 16 years later, I now oversee the music for Eagle Brook Church which currently has ten campuses in and around the Twin Cities. I love my job and the people I get to work with. It’s where I cut my teeth as a leader and learned a ton about what pulls people in and what ultimately pushes them away.

Summoning my inner Steve Jobs at EBC.

Keep digging…

Today, I’m a dad of four kids under the age of 10, a devoted husband and my kids still think I’m on the New York Rangers. I played hockey in high school.

I own a recording studio called Kave Studios, where I write and produce songs but can’t stay up late enough to play out anymore. Instead, I plan to pitch them to publishing houses for TV and Film licensing. Listen!

I hope to write a book someday. But since you can’t go book before blog—right???—the next step is to stress test some of these ideas first. And that’s where you come in…

I would relish your feedback—the good, the bad, and the snarky—but remember it’s a blog, NOT a book. So chill out!

Thanks for reading, commenting, correcting me, and sharing.