The Best Question Ever And How To Help Others Grow

funny face.

Lead or be liked is bogus.

No doubt, one of the most challenging parts of leadership is facing into the conversations no one else will, but someone must. It’s also the most rewarding.

That’s where it’s at.

Growth happens in the last one percent, in the ‘thing behind the thing’ that most are unwilling to point out. And that’s why—leaders say what peers wish someone would say to their co-workers.

Unfortunately, that means not everyone will like you; but they will have to respect you—if you do it well.

I’m human.

I like to be liked, but I’ve learned to love watching others soar more.

So how do we help others grow?

We care enough to share what’s holding them back and walk with them through whatever’s next. 

When we do that, they begin to grow. And when your people start growing, they have no interest in going anywhere.

Simple right?

But there’s a catch.

If you don’t genuinely care, you need to focus there first. And possibly buy a nice tent. After that, it might be time for some camping.

That will make sense later. I promise.

Continue reading “The Best Question Ever And How To Help Others Grow”

Love The Ones You’re With. (An easy way to guard against the great resignation.)

When someone decides to leave staff (without even thinking), we throw elaborate goodbye parties and give emotional speeches. Through tears, we tell people how important they are and what a profound impact they’ve had on us.

We focus on who they are, except quirks become perks, annoying habits are now hilarious, and little wins are memorialized as landmark achievements.

We don’t hold back; no, we go overboard. We have cake parties.

But what if we did that before the resignation?

Dare I suggest the possibility that there would be no resignation? (No great resignation?? Crazy talk?)

Continue reading “Love The Ones You’re With. (An easy way to guard against the great resignation.)”