Beat Burnout AND Supersize Your Influence With One Simple Mindset

Leaders Are Languishing

Think about your last few 1:1’s or heart-to-hearts with other leaders. How are they doing? How are you doing?

Crash and burnout

I’ve vacillated between the edge-of-glory and the brink-of-burnout for almost 18 years at a large church. Pretty standard stuff.

It’s been a steady ride of learning, listening (sometimes squirming), and occasionally watching someone crash. That is until a few years ago when the whole world changed.

Feelings of burnout are as common today as pensions were back in the day. There is a distinctly different despair in the air.

Can you feel it?

None of us are immune; we ALL need tools.

This blog will give you 6 mind shifts that helped me through seasons of insanity.

You heard me—six, one better than five! (spinal tap fans?)

More importantly, these same shifts supersized my influence! I just didn’t know it till later. I want that for you. As always, I’m writing to myself too… Let’s go!

Continue reading “Beat Burnout AND Supersize Your Influence With One Simple Mindset”

Why Gen Z thinks work time is the BEST time to schedule a haircut.

(And what we can all learn from them.)

Let me start by saying I’m not an expert on the topic of Gen Z. Not even a little bit. Instead, I’m drawing from my own experiences and making a few wild assumptions.

Don’t question it, go with it.

No science. No data. Just a sinking suspicion that I’m not the only one who has been surprised by the workday haircut. I’ll explain.

Imagine this… I would ask someone in their early 20’s to do a task related to their job, and they would freely admit to me (their boss) that they were unavailable—because they had a haircut—smack in the middle of the workday!

This one took me a while to figure out. I’ll admit I was perplexed at first.

My initial thoughts:

You have two days off a week, is there something I’m missing?”

“Maybe their stylist is only available on a Wednesday at 2pm?”

“Maybe they need their hair a certain way FOR work that I’m unaware of?”

Disclaimer: For the sake of this blog the haircut is symbolic, and the term Gen Z could also apply to ‘young’ Millennials.

Feel free to substitute haircut for ANY superfluous activity you’ve been given as an excuse that has nothing to do with the job they were hired to do. i.e., Massage, oil change, carwash, or anything dog-related.

FWIW, if this response was an isolated incident, I certainly wouldn’t be blogging about it! It was a pattern that became the impetus for my own personal quest to try and better understand the ‘Gen Z angle.’

Once I started shearing through the layers—one trendy word and awkward interaction at a time—I made a few discoveries along the way. Buckle up!  

Continue reading “Why Gen Z thinks work time is the BEST time to schedule a haircut.”