The 7 Deadly Self-Preservation Tendencies And How To Overcome Them

Part 3 of Speaking Up

So why is speaking up REALLY becoming a “lost” art, increasingly rare, borderline extinct? One word (with a hyphen): Self-preservation.

So far, we’ve covered the importance of speaking up—reasons we don’t, reasons we should—and the influence that follows. Click here to read Part 1, Part 2.

Now let’s probe a layer deeper into the thing behind the thing that’s keeping you from speaking up, sabotaging your decision-making, and “protecting” you from LEADING! 

This blog will outline 7 deadly self-preservation tendencies that hold us back from maximum impact so you can identify yours.
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7 Reasons Ministry Leaders Are Burning Out And How To Run The Other Way Part 3

floating away.

PART 3 “Mission Failure”

Welcome to part 3 of this ministry leader trilogy! If you missed the setup, click PART 1 or PART 2 now. Let’s tackle the final reason we are struggling with burnout and what to do instead.

REMINDER: This blog is geared for leaders in the Church. If that's not you we'll be back soon. 

Also, this next one could offend some. But I gotta go there because it’s present everywhere there’s turnover. K-here goes nothing.

Continue reading “7 Reasons Ministry Leaders Are Burning Out And How To Run The Other Way Part 3”

7 Reasons Ministry Leaders Are Burning Out And How To Run The Other Way Part 2

candle burning.


Welcome back to part two of this ministry-specific trilogy. If you missed part 1, click here and come back. Friendly reminder: These examples are geared towards leaders in the Church. Still, there is a definite corporate parallel if that’s you.

Now for reason #4.

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7 Reasons Ministry Leaders Are Burning Out And How to Run The Other Way!

struggling church leader

Part 1

Last fall, I was denied entry into a breakout at Salt Conference called “Before You Quit: Avoiding Ministry Burnout” because it was full! But not just every seat kind of full; we’re talking every square inch on the floor was spoken for.

According to the most recent Barna survey, almost 40% of people who work in ministry are planning their exit strategy. That’s tragic! And based on recent conversations with fellow church leaders, it’s 100% true AND the reason I decided to fast-track this “ministry-specific” blog! I couldn’t not. 

The Church should be the best place on earth to work. It’s not… yet.

So, what’s the problem, and why are so many leaders in the Church opting out, or worse, burning out? But first, I must disclaim this blog because it’s a definite departure.

Disclaimer: Although these struggles are not unique to the Church, this blog trilogy is custom fit for ministry leaders. I'll be taking dead aim. If that's not you, this might get a little weird… (Back to our regular programming next month.)

K—For the remaining brave souls, let’s go! After twenty years of hypothesizing, here’s what I’ve concluded (so far)…

Continue reading “7 Reasons Ministry Leaders Are Burning Out And How to Run The Other Way!”